[thredds] Support for GeoTIFF?

Hi all,

I've been asked to check whether TDS supports GeoTiff files from one of our clients. They have thousands of these files and would like a nice way to aggregate them to serve it out. I tried adding a file to the TDS catalog, but it wasn't able to read the file (invalid NetCDF file). However, in the NetCDF javadoc, there is a geotiff class. Then looking at the NetCDF Java 4.0 feature list, it has only listed *generation* of GeoTiff files. Is it likely that TDS will support GeoTiff sometime in the future? I did also find a few pages with GDAL OPeNDAP Server, but can't seem to locate a copy of the server that I can install and have a look at...



Pauline Mak

ARCS Data Services
Ph: (03) 6226 7518
Email: pauline.mak@xxxxxxxxxxx
Jabber: pauline.mak@xxxxxxxxxxx

Email: pauline.mak@xxxxxxxxxxx

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