Re: [thredds] TDS 4.0 on RHEL5

Thanks Ethan, that makes sense. Any ideas on what could cause that
listener to fail?  I tried changing the log level for tomcat to capture
any stack trace on the failure but didn't gain any extra information.


Ethan Davis wrote:
> Hi John,
> John Cartwright wrote:
> [snip]
>> Does it make sense to you that tds.log.dir system property would fail to
>> be set if a context listener fails and therefore the context fails to start?
> Yes, the tds.log.dir system property gets set by the TDS context
> listener. So, if the listener fails, it may not have been able to set
> the tds.log.dir system property.
> But, (not sure if this is what you meant) the system property has
> nothing to do with the context failing. A context will always fail to
> start if any of its context listeners fail.
> Ethan

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