Re: [thredds] Feedback for ncWMS/TDS integration

Dear Puline,

We have activated the WMS capabilities in our TDS4

We are serving model data from the WRF model running at daily basis on a Spanish Nationl GRID Initiative
Also we are serving data for the CLIMATE-G testbed

Thank you and regards

Antonio S. Cofiño
Associate Professor
Santander Meteorology Group
Dep. of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences
University of Cantabria

Pauline Mak escribió:
Hi all,

It's reporting time for my project and I would appreciate some community feedback on the ncWMS/TDS *integration*. Is anyone enabling the WMS feature in their TDS installation? If so, would I be able to get the URL to your site please? Any comments/experiences/criticisms will, very much, be welcomed :)



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