Re: [thredds] difference in WCS GetCapabilities response between 4.0.x and 3.0.x

Hi John,

John Cartwright wrote:
> it appears that TDS 4.0.17 is returning a slightly different XML
> response for a GetCapabilities response than 3.16.  I'm also finding
> that ESRI clients cannot consume the 4.0.17-hosted version while the
> 3.16-hosted version works OK.  This second issue may be unrelated to the
> first.
> Is a difference in the responses between the versions expected?

Yes. I did a lot of refactoring and rewriting of the WCS code for TDS
4.0. So, I'd be surprised if there weren't some differences.

> I've attached two examples for comparison.

Not a lot of difference. Mainly, the 4.0 version: 1) doesn't have all
the namespace/schema information in the root element; 2) the "Service"
element is missing "description", "name", "label", and "keywords"
elements [Hmm!]; and 3) the "lonLatEnvelope@srsName" value is different
(should be a recognizable OGC CRS URN).

Are you getting any error messages from the ESRI clients?

My guess is that either 1) the ESRI client expects a "Service/name" or
"Service/label" element 2) there is some difference in the HTTP headers
and such that the ESRI clients don't like.


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