Re: [thredds] OPeNDAP authentication

On Aug 27, 2009, at 5:04 PM, John Caron wrote:

Pauline Mak wrote:
Hi all,

Is there any documentation on OPeNDAP/G, or THREDDS with X509 documentation? We're interested in using authentication (and naturally, authorisation) for some of our datasets. I would like to see if I can do a test setup over here, but I can't seem to find any documentation on doing this... Interestingly, does OPeNDAP client libraries already support this?



For TDS, you can use standard Tomcat authentication, see authentication section of this:

Im guessing same for Hyrax. OPeNDAP client libraries should support this, as its based on standard HTTP mechanism.

Yes, as both Patrick and John suggest, Hyrax depends on Tomcat for security. Here's the documentation on that:

The C++ library and new C client-side library (and thus new netCDF DAP access) support cookies which is, I believe, what is required for single sign on systems, although more might be required on the server side.

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