[thredds] OPENDAP dataset via a RESTFUL service

  • To: <thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [thredds] OPENDAP dataset via a RESTFUL service
  • From: "David Crossman" <d.crossman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 06:12:51 -0000
  • Authentication-results: ironport.aims.gov.au; dkim=neutral (message not signed) header.i=none
Hi all, 
I am trying to add a dataset to a thredds server by hitting a RESTFUL
I have tried something like this 
 <dataset name="URLOPENDAP" ID="urlDataset" urlPath="sst/URLOPENDAP">

If I change the location to a file on the server
http://data.aims.gov.au/jan.nc it works fine.
My guess is something with mime types?? I had a look on the mail list
postings and found that mime type should be x-netcdf or netcdf. I have
tried both of these in the service and still get the error 
Error { code = 1; message = "Cant find sst/URLOPENDAP"; }; 
any help would be appreciated.

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