Re: [thredds] Stats on usage of our TDS?

Peter Cornillon wrote:
Hi Rich,

I was at a NASA meeting this week in which we were discussing metrics for NASA related projects. As a result of the discussion, we decided to experiment with a metrics group at Goddard. What I want to do is to develop a general evaluation of http logs from OPeNDAP enabled servers. The idea would be to generate a consistent set of stats from these servers. The job of sorting out stats can be divided into two parts, one part that is OPeNDAP specific - how many das, dds,... accesses, how many data accesses, what the volume of the data access was,... The second part is provider specific, what constitutes a dataset at that site. We will be experimenting with a Hyrax and a GDS server, but I'm assuming that much of the OPeNDAP specific info would be the same for a TDS. In addition to these one would probably want to know how many WCS accesses or other accesses were made for a TDS. Assuming that we make good progress on the servers that we will be messing around with, it might make sense to extend the project in the not too distant future to TDS. Comments?


Hi Peter:

That would be very welcome.
The TDS uses standard apache log format, but we also advise to append the 
amount of (wall clock) time it took to process the request. Its up to the 
individual user to do this, however. Im not sure what Hyrax/GDS uses as a log 

The TDS uses a very regular URL naming schema that makes it straightforward to 
figure out the service used. extracting the dataset name is slightly more 
complicated. I can send some code snippets if anyone is interested.

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