Re: [thredds] Inherited metadata

Hi Nathan,

Nathan Potter wrote:
> Ethan et al.,
> Is inherited metadata cumulative?

Yes, inherited metadata is cumulative. However, there are certain types
of metadata that do not allow for multiple values. In those cases, the
nearest metadata (local or inherited) overrides earlier metadata. The
serviceName element is one that only allows a single value. Multiple
property elements are allowed but only one for any given name.

> In this example:
>  <dataset name="level1" ID="SingleFileWcs">
>    <metadata inherited='true'>
>       <serviceName>dap</serviceName>
>       <property name="foo" value="bar"/>
>    </metadata>
>    <dataset name="level2" urlPath="wcs/foo" ID="wcs/foo">
>       <metadata inherited='true'>
>          <serviceName>wcs</serviceName>
>          <property name="dude" value="ranch"/>
>       </metadata>
>       <dataset name="level3" urlPath="wcs/foo" ID="wcs/foo" />
>    </dataset>
>  </dataset>
> Does the dataset "level3" have the services "dap" and "wcs"?

No. It just has service "wcs".

> Does the dataset "level3" have the properties "foo" and "dude"?



> Nathan

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