[thredds] More questions about serviceName, urlPath, and access


Is it allowed for a dataset to have the serviceName and/or the urlPath specified as child elements? (I think the answer is yes to serviceName and no to urlPath)


   <dataset name="level2_b" ID="nc/level2_b.nc" >

<dataset name="level2_b" urlPath="nc/level2_b.nc" ID="nc/ level2_b.nc" >

   <dataset name="level2_b" serviceName="s2"  ID="nc/level2_b.nc" >

Is it allowed for a dataset to have both a serviceName/urlPath pair as attributes AND as child elements?
If so, which has priority?  (My guess is that none of these are allowed)


<dataset name="level2_b" serviceName="s2" urlPath="nc/level2_b.nc" ID="nc/level2_b.nc" >

<dataset name="level2_b" serviceName="s2" urlPath="nc/level2_b.nc" ID="nc/level2_b.nc" >

<dataset name="level2_b" serviceName="s2" urlPath="nc/level2_b.nc" ID="nc/level2_b.nc" >

Is a dataset allowed to have a serviceName/urlPathr via inheritance, attribute, or children and also have access element children?
If so are there rules about precedence? Is it cumulative?


 <dataset name="level1" ID="degenerate examples">

   <metadata inherited='true'>

<dataset name="level2_a" urlPath="nc/level2_a.nc" ID="nc/ level2_a.nc"> <access serviceName="s2" urlPath="nc/level2_a" dataFormat="NetCDF" />

<dataset name="level2_b" serviceName="s2" urlPath="nc/level2_b.nc" ID="nc/level2_b.nc" > <access serviceName="s3" urlPath="nc/level2_a" dataFormat="NetCDF" />

<dataset name="level2_b" urlPath="nc/level2_b.nc" ID="nc/ level2_b.nc" >
<access serviceName="s3" urlPath="nc/level2_a" dataFormat="NetCDF" />


Thanks for all of your help with this!


= = =
Nathan Potter                        ndp at opendap.org
OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317

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