It seems that my dataset's particular spatial reference was not supported by
my software. I believe it is on that end, and I am working on fixing it on
that side. Thanks for everyones help.
# ===================
Kyle Shannon
Physical Science Technician
RMRS Fire Sciences Lab
Fire, Fuels & Smoke - RWU 4405
5775 Highway 10 W.
Missoula, MT 59808
# ===================
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 8:03 AM, Robb Kambic <rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
> As a follow up, the subset service was use to extract dew point temperature
> and the returned netcdf file had the following coordinates with
> standard_parallel = 25.0
> Robb...
> Coordinate System = time1 y x
> Time double time1(time1=196);
> :units = "hours since 2009-11-21T12:00:00Z";
> :long_name = "forecast time coordinate";
> :standard_name = "time";
> :_CoordinateAxisType = "Time";
> GeoY double y(y=689);
> :units = "km";
> :long_name = "y coordinate of projection";
> :standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate";
> :grid_spacing = "5.07947216796875 km";
> :_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoY";
> GeoX double x(x=1073);
> :units = "km";
> :long_name = "x coordinate of projection";
> :standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate";
> :grid_spacing = "5.079361328125 km";
> :_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoX";
> Coordinate Transforms
> Lambert_Conformal type=Projection
> grid_mapping_name = lambert_conformal_conic
> latitude_of_projection_origin = 25.0
> longitude_of_central_meridian = 265.0
> standard_parallel = 25.0
> impl.class= ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.LambertConformal
> On Tue, 5 Jan 2010, Kyle Shannon wrote:
> Hello all,
>> I am using the unidata thredds server to download some NDFD data. I
>> noticed that
>> the projection specified is a Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP and both
>> standard
>> parallels are specified as 0. In the metadata, if I am reading it
>> correctly, the
>> projection is actually a Lambert_Conformal_Conic_1SP with a standard
>> parallel of
>> 25. I am using GDAL to hangle the files and proj4 has trouble with the
>> 1st
>> scenario, but not the second. Is the projection set at the source (NOAA
>> NDFD) or
>> by the NetCDF subsetting service? Who can I contact to deal with this
>> issue?
>> Thanks.
>> kss
>> # ===================
>> Kyle Shannon
>> Physical Science Technician
>> RMRS Fire Sciences Lab
>> Fire, Fuels & Smoke - RWU 4405
>> 5775 Highway 10 W.
>> Missoula, MT 59808
>> (406)646-6577
>> kshannon@xxxxxxxxx
>> ksshannon@xxxxxxxxx
>> # ===================
> ===============================================================================
> Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
> Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric
> Research
> rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WWW:
> ===============================================================================