[thredds] FMRC losing time variable

Hello all -

Having trouble setting up a FMRC.  THREDDS is not interpreting the run and time 
variables?  The FMRC via NcML (without 'datasetFMRC' tag) works in Tools-UI and 
other Java-NetCDF readers.  No access to Best Time Series or any other 
aggregations but 2D time coordinates in THREDDS.  Tested with both small and 
large datasets with the same result.  Any ideas?

Link to the FMRC dataset:

<datasetFmrc name="FMRC" path="cips/operational/met/akq/fmrc" 
  <netcdf xmlns="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/namespaces/netcdf/ncml-2.2"; 
    <aggregation dimName="run" type="forecastModelRunSingleCollection" 
timeUnitsChange="true" recheckEvery="10 min">
      <scanFmrc location="/data/cips/operational/akq_wrf" 
regExp=".*_nmm_d01\.GrbF[0-9]{5}.gz" runDateMatcher="yyMMddHH#_nmm_d01.GrbF#" 

Link to the Raw files the FMRC should be comprised of:

<datasetScan name="Raw" path="cips/operational/met/akq/raw" 
location="/data/cips/operational/akq_wrf/" >
    <include wildcard="*.gz"/>
    <lexigraphicByName increasing="false"/>


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