Hi again Heiko,
I folded in some changes from the current ncWMS code that has fixed the
problem. It will be in TDS 4.1.3 which I'm planning to release sometime
next week. I've also made a current snapshot available on our FTP site
if you want to try it out before the full release. The snapshot is
available at:
Ethan Davis wrote:
> Hi Heiko,
> I grabbed your dataset and I'm seeing the same problem on my local TDS
> when I make the request you gave. Its running into a problem in the
> ncWMS code that reads the data from the dataset and maps it onto the
> desired image pixels. I'm not that familiar with this code so I'll check
> with Jon on this one. Also, the TDS code is not up to date with the
> ncWMS code so there might already be a fix for the problem.
> I'll let you know what we find and when we'll have a fix for the TDS.
> Thanks,
> Ethan
> Heiko Klein wrote:
>> Hei,
>> I'm currently testing ncWMS. About one year ago (version 4.0.9), this
>> worked nicely with the following request
>> http://localhost:8081/thredds/wms/data/met.no/hirlam12/wam_nsea.fc.20090604.nc?REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=significant_wave_height&PALETTE=redblue&SERVICE=WMS&FORMAT=image/png&VERSION=1.3.0&CRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=-30,-60,30,90&WIDTH=400&HEIGHT=400&STYLES=BOXFILL/ncview
>> When I try upgrading to a recent version of thredds (4.0.24 or 4.1) I
>> run into severe problems: HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error
>> I had to make some changes in the setup (threddsConfig.xml) to get
>> around the 'service not enable' message, i.e. the service-name needs to
>> be wms, not wmsService, and palletes-dir needs to be defined, and for
>> 4.1 ogcMetaXML needs to be defined.
>> The log gives:
>> thredds.server.wms.WMSController - Request Completed - 500 - -1 - 2430
>> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
>> at ucar.ma2.Index.setDim(Index.java:562)
>> at ucar.ma2.Index.set(Index.java:651)
>> at uk.ac.rdg.resc.ncwms.datareader.DataChunk.getValue(DataChunk.java:67)
>> at
>> uk.ac.rdg.resc.ncwms.datareader.DefaultDataReader.populatePixelArray(DefaultDataReader.java:209)
>> (see attached file for more info)
>> The file can be found at
>> http://pastebin.met.no/pastebin/cgi-bin/file?id=e8a38071ddc1f4c21d0687d09e2cde4428cf13a8/wam_nsea.fc.20090604.nc
>> For the same request, I get a nice picture if I downgrade to thredds 4.0.9.
>> Any ideas?
>> Best regards,
>> Heiko