[thredds] NetCDF Subset Service

This may be a really basic question, but if my netCDF files have 
variables whose dimensions are an explicitly defined Latitude/Longitude 
grid, is there anything more I need to consider adding to my files to 
allow them to be subsetted?  I.e., projection information, etc.


Kevin L. Manross           |  ** New Address **
CIMMS Research Associate   |     120 David L. Boren Bvd
NSSL : WRDD : SWAT         |     Rm 3923
<kevin.manross@xxxxxxxx>   |     405.325.6385
www.cimms.ou.edu/~kmanross |
"My opinions are my own and not representative of
CIMMS, NSSL, NOAA or any affiliates"

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