Re: [thredds] WMS service not supported?

Hello Kevin

I'm successfully running WMS on several datasets for a TDS Version 4.1.0
- 20091229.2055
I'm running Java 1.6.0_11_b03 and Tomcat on Linux 64bit Redhat
OS 5.

Attached is my config, catalog and and a couple screen shots attached,
sorry it won't be publicly available for a couple of months while we
setup a new robust server.


Bill Hankins
Software Developer, STG, Inc., Government Contractor
Remote Sensing and Applications Division
National Climatic Data Center - NESDIS - NOAA 
151 Patton Ave. Rm 445
Asheville, NC 28801-5001

Kevin L. Manross said the following on 3/16/2010 9:26 AM:
> Howdy,
> I've included the information you asked for Ethan.  Is there a
> configuration in Tomcat that I need to do to allow WMS?
> Full Text of forbidden message:
>   HTTP Status 403 - WMS service not supported.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *type* Status report
> *message* _WMS service not supported._
> *description* _Access to the specified resource (WMS service not
> supported.) has been forbidden._
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>       Apache Tomcat/6.0.24
> Java version:
> java version "1.6.0_07"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_07-b06)
> Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 10.0-b23, mixed mode)
> Tomcat: 6.0.24
> TDS:
>       THREDDS Data Server [Version 4.1.3 - 20100210.1511]
> My catalog.xml and threddsConfig.xml are attached.
> (Note, I tried Heiko's suggestion of putting in the full path to the
> pallette and OGCMeta.xml just to see id it had any affect.  Alas, it
> did not.)
> Many thanks!!
> -kevin.
> Ethan Davis wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> Log files all look good to me as well.
>> In your browser, what is the full text of the "forbidden" message?
>> The default threddsConfig.xml file has the WMS section commented out.
>> So, make sure the WMS element is not commented out.
>> What versions are you running: Java, Tomcat, TDS? Could you send your
>> full threddsConfig.xml file.
>> Ethan
>> On 3/12/2010 12:52 PM, Kevin L. Manross wrote:
>>> To answer both you and Roy, Ethan:
>>> I've been watching those various logs.  I definitely see the "403"
>>> response (forbidden) in the threddsServlet.log, but I don't see any
>>> other clue as to why that is.
>>> The log output follows.  Thanks!
>>> -kevin.
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> +-----------------------------------------------------+
> Kevin L. Manross           |  ** New Address **
> CIMMS Research Associate   |     120 David L. Boren Bvd
> NSSL : WRDD : SWAT         |     Rm 3923
> <kevin.manross@xxxxxxxx>   |     405.325.6385
> |
> "My opinions are my own and not representative of
> CIMMS, NSSL, NOAA or any affiliates"
> +-----------------------------------------------------+
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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    <service name="wcsService" serviceType="WCS" base="/thredds/wcs/"/>
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base=""/> -->

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  <!-- Datasets w/ Directory Trees -->

  <datasetScan name="ISCCP D2 Data" path="isccp" 
    <metadata inherited="true">
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    <metadata inherited="true">
      <lexigraphicByName increasing="true"/>

  <datasetScan name="VTPR Satellite Brightness Temperature DataSet 
(11/1972-02/1979)" path="vtpr" location="/raid/ftp/pub/vtpr">
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      <include wildcard="*.nc"/>
      startTimeSubstitutionPattern="$1-$2-$3T$4:00:00" duration="1 year"/>

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    <metadata inherited="true">

  <!-- GFS monthly averaged winds "gfsMonAvg.xml" -->
  <catalogRef xlink:title="Projects" xlink:href="gfsMonAvg.xml" 

  <!-- Blended Ocean Winds "OceanWinds.xml" -->
  <catalogRef xlink:title="Blended Ocean Winds" xlink:href="OceanWinds.xml" 

  <!-- SURFA Project related datasets "surfa.xml" -->
  <catalogRef xlink:title="Surface Flux Analysis project (SURFA)" 
xlink:href="surfa.xml" name="surfa"/>

  <!-- Catalog for experiment/testing datasets  "testDatasets.xml" -->
  <!-- <catalogRef xlink:title="Test Area" xlink:href="testDatasets.xml" 
name="" /> -->

  <dataset name="EBD Data" >
    <dataset name="EBD Monthly Aggregation" urlPath="ebd_agg" ID="ebd_agg">
      <netcdf xmlns="";>
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          <scan location="/raid/ftp/raid1b/GOOSsst/EBD/" suffix=".nc"/>
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      <metadata inherited="true">
        <lexigraphicByName increasing="true"/>
  <dataset name="GPCP Data">
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      <netcdf xmlns="";>
        <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting" recheckEvery="1 month">
          <scan location="/raid/ftp/pub/gpcp/monthly/" suffix=".gz"/>
    <datasetScan name="GPCP-Monthly" ID="GPCP-Monthly" path="gpcp/monthly" 
      <metadata inherited="true">
        <lexigraphicByName increasing="true" />
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      <metadata inherited="true">
        <lexigraphicByName increasing="true"/>

  <dataset name="GACP Data">
    <dataset name="GACP TAU Monthly Aggregation" urlPath="gapc_tau" 
      <netcdf xmlns="";>
        <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting" recheckEvery="1 month">
          <scan location="/raid/ftp/pub/gacp/" suffix=".tau.ascii"/>
    <dataset name="GACP Angstrom Exponent Monthly Aggregation" 
urlPath="gapc_ang" ID="gapc_ang">
      <netcdf xmlns="";>
        <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting" recheckEvery="1 month">
          <scan location="/raid/ftp/pub/gacp/" suffix=".a.ascii"/>

  <dataset name="SRB Data">
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      <metadata inherited="true">
    <datasetScan name="SRB Monthly Shortwave" ID="srbsw" path="srbsw" 
      <metadata inherited="true">

  <dataset name="SRB Data" id="srb">
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          <scan location="/raid/ftp/pub/srb/monthly/lw" suffix=".binary"/>
    <dataset name="SRB Monthly Shortwave" ID="srb_sw" urlPath="srb_sw">
      <netcdf xmlns="";>
        <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting">
          <scan location="/raid/ftp/pub/srb/monthly/sw" suffix=".binary.Z"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  The <catalogRoot> element:
  For catalogs you don't want visible from the /thredds/catalog.xml chain
  of catalogs, you can use catalogRoot elements. Each catalog root config
  catalog is crawled and used in configuring the TDS.
  <!-- E.g.,

  The <NetcdfFileCache> element:
    <scour>2 min</scour>

  The <NetcdfDatasetCache> element:
    <scour>2 min</scour>

  The <HTTPFileCache> element:
    <scour>2 min</scour>

  The <CdmValidatorService> element:
    <maxFileUploadSize>1 Gb</maxFileUploadSize>
    <scour>24 hours</scour>
    <maxAge>30 days</maxAge>

  The <NetcdfSubsetService> element:
    <scour>15 min</scour>
    <maxAge>30 min</maxAge>

  The <WCS> element:
    <scour>15 min</scour>
    <maxAge>30 min</maxAge>

  The <WMS> element:

  The <Viewer> element:
  <!-- Viewer>my.package.MyViewer</Viewer -->

  The <FmrcInventory> element:

  The <nj22Config> element:
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.isccp.HirsIosp"/>
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.area.GoesAreaIosp"/>
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.area.AreaIosp"/>
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.isccp.IsccpD1Iosp"/>
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.isccp.IsccpDxIosp"/>
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.ssmi.SSMITDRiosp"/>
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.avhrr.AvhhrGacKLMIosp"/>
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.avhrr.lac.AvhhrLacKLMIosp"/>
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.dsi6146.DSI6146Iosp"/>  
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.gpcp.GPCPMonthlyIosp"/>
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.gpcp.GPCPDailyIosp"/>
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.gacp.GACPIosp"/> 
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.srb.SRBShortwaveIosp"/>
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.srb.SRBLongwaveIosp"/>
    <ioServiceProvider  class="gov.noaa.ncdc.iosp.ridge.ridgeIosp"/>
    <coordSysBuilder convention="Kenjimoto" 
    <coordSysBuilder convention="EqualAreaGrid" 
    <coordTransBuilder name="NcdcSwath" type="projection" 
    <coordTransBuilder name="mcidas_area" type="projection" 
    <coordTransBuilder name="EqualAreaGridTransform" type="projection" 

  The <DiskCache> element:
    <scour>2 min</scour>
    <maxSize>12 Gb</maxSize>

  The <GribIndexing> element:

  The <AggregationCache> element:
    <scour>24 hours</scour>
    <maxAge>90 days</maxAge>


PNG image

PNG image

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