[thredds] Data Ranges


I'm having some trouble creating color palettes for my datasets and wanted to ask for some help

In our datasets, we have the following values:

MissingData :: -99900
RangeFolded :: -99901
DataUnavailable :: -99903

Since the majority of our gridpoints are filled with the above values, any of the packages color palettes result in the min and max values.

I have the MissingData, and Range folded flag set in my netCDF file, but I do not specify the DataUnavailable value (I will add this in the global attributes for completeness shortly.)

The question I have is, how can I tell the TDS to ignore all data values below a particular threshold? Is this done in ncml, or elsewhere?

I hope this makes sense, but feel free to ask questions if it does not.

Thank you!


Kevin L. Manross           |  ** New Address **
CIMMS Research Associate   |     120 David L. Boren Bvd
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