Re: [thredds] Time Accumulation Max

On 6/14/2010 1:52 PM, Kevin L. Manross wrote:

Greetings (again)!

In order to get a time accumulation of my grids (to create an areal "swath" like "Storm Total Precip", but with other fields) I see where I should use the aggregation "along" the time dimension for my grids. However, if I want to take the maximum value of a grid point for all the times available, how would I go about doing this via THREDDS (or can I)?



Hi Kevin:

Im not sure if this is the same as "are there simple algorithm-like functions in NcML" question, but I think the answer is that TDS doesnt do derived quantities. You might look at the Live Access Server (LAS, which uses TDS underneath) or the Grads Data Server (GDS, which doesnt).

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