Hi John:
Something we have been and still are very interested in. For now we stick
those in the documentation section. And like you, we would rather give alonger
URL, not just to the viewer app, but to the viewer app with that variable
On Jun 30, 2010, at 5:08 PM, John Maurer, IV wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to add more than one additional viewer link for some of my
> datasets in TDS. I've noticed if I add multiple links, only the first one
> appears in my TDS catalogs. For instance:
> <property name="viewer" value="http://oos.soest.hawaii.edu/las,Live Access
> Server (LAS)" />
> <property name="viewer" value="http://oos.soest.hawaii.edu/erddap,ERDDAP" />
> <property name="viewer" value="http://hioos.org/map,HiOOS Google Map" />
> Only LAS will appear, not ERDDAP and HiOOS Google Map. I am using TDS
> 4.1.20100520.1554. Would be nice to have this feature in a future release or
> details as to what I am doing wrong.
> Thanks!,
> John Maurer
> Hawaii Ocean Observing System (HiOOS)
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