[thredds] NetCDF Tools UI


I have a question about the NetCDF Tools UI. I have been looking at the JNLP files that are used to "WebStart" the application and the arguments section looks like this:

 <application-desc main-class="ucar.nc2.ui.ToolsUI">

And a typical URL to invoke it looks like this:


Which in turn returns a JNLP file with the argument element filled in:

 <application-desc main-class="ucar.nc2.ui.ToolsUI">
<argument>http://motherlode.ucar.edu/thredds/catalog/fmrc/NCEP/GFS/Alaska_191km/runs/catalog.xml#fmrc/ NCEP/GFS/Alaska_191km/runs/NCEP-GFS- Alaska_191km_RUN_2010-08-03T12:00:00Z</argument>

So I would deduce that it wants the catalog URL and the thredds:dataset/@ID attribute separated by a "#" sign as it's argument.

Does it accept different argument schemes?

Is there a way to simply pass it a DAP data access URL?


Or even a URL that returns a netcdf file?


(This last example is really a fictitious URL but I hope you can appreciate my point)

Or is it the case that it will only accept a THREDDS catalog and a dataset ID as arguments?


= = =
Nathan Potter                        ndp at opendap.org
OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317

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