Hi all,
I think the dates make sense. The .jsp files haven't changed in some
time so the dates are fairly old (and match the dates for those files in
the working copy from which I build the .war file). The dates on the
.java and .class files are probably from whenever the first capabilities
requests were made to Heiko's server after some deployment.
Given that, I really don't understand how or why the .jsp and
.java/.class files would be out of sync.
Unless this becomes a more frequent problem, I'm going to chalk this up
as yet another detail of the Tomcat internal workings I'm not sure I
will every have the time to understand. ;-)
On 8/23/2010 3:47 AM, Jon Blower wrote:
> Interesting - I wonder why the capabilities doc in the war file is older
> than the one on your filesystem (Ethan, any ideas)?
> Jon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Heiko Klein [mailto:Heiko.Klein@xxxxxx]
> Sent: 23 August 2010 07:42
> To: thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: David Neufeld; Jonathan Blower
> Subject: Re: [thredds] Problems with wms-getCapabilities in thredds4.2
> snapshot
> Hi,
> indeed, the war file contained an older capabilities_xml.jsp than the
> one installed in work-catalog:
> ls -l $TOMCAT/webapps/thredds/WEB-INF/jsp/wms/
> ...Mar 24 10:43 capabilities_xml.jsp
> ...Jun 7 00:40 capabilities_xml_1_1_1.jsp
> ...
> ls -l
> $TOMCAT/work/Catalina/localhost/thredds/org/apache/jsp/WEB_002dINF/jsp/w
> ms/
> ...Aug 20 14:38 capabilities_005fxml_005f1_005f1_005f1_jsp.class
> ...Aug 20 14:38 capabilities_005fxml_005f1_005f1_005f1_jsp.java
> ...May 10 08:58 capabilities_005fxml_jsp.class
> ...May 10 08:58 capabilities_005fxml_jsp.java
> Removing $TOMCAT/work/Catalina/localhost/thredds, and restarting tomcat
> solved the issue. I'm using tomcat6, but I'm not using the manager, but
> used the redeploy on startup feature.
> Thanks for your help.
> Heiko