Hi Heiko,
The problem with colorscalerange=auto is that the scale range is
automatically chosen *for each image*. The purpose of setting values in
the wmsConfig.xml is to ensure that each image from the same variable
gets the same colour scale for consistency with the legend and between
tiles in tiling clients.
You can still use the URL parameter &COLORSCALERANGE=auto if you want
your image to be automatically contrast-stretched, but beware that the
image won't match the legend.
Does this make sense?
Cheers, Jon
-----Original Message-----
From: Heiko Klein [mailto:Heiko.Klein@xxxxxx]
Sent: 21 September 2010 09:04
To: thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Jonathan Blower
Subject: Re-enabling a auto-scaling defaultColorScaleRange in ncWMS
I upgraded to a snapshot of thredds 4.2 and I have seen the new
configuration options to ncWMS. In particular, the
defaultColorScaleRange seems to be new.
I liked the old auto-colorScaleRange which determined the max and min
value from the datasets. Is this option still available within the
wmsConfig.xml file? I tried
<defaultColorScaleRange>auto</defaultColorScaleRange> and it didn't
Best regards,