Hi Remon,
We never got to the point were we could switch the catalog pages to JSP
so the catalog.jsp file you found is not currently used.
You can change the names and links used in the footer of the catalog
pages (as well as these and the logo used in the dataset pages) as
described here
The CSS used in the catalog (tdsCat.css) and dataset (tds.css) HTML
pages can be found in the root directory of the webapp tree
($TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/thredds). You can modify those if that will help.
However, the generated HTML could probably use an update to make it more
flexible to modify with CSS. So there may be some limitations to what
you can do with CSS.
You can also tell the TDS to use other CSS pages as described here
Hope that helps,
On 9/27/2010 9:57 AM, Remon Sadikni wrote:
> Dear THREDDS team!
> I wanted to change the catalog view (http://.../thredds/catalog.html) by
> adding a tutorial link. I found the file
> WEB-INF/jsp/thredds/server/catalog/catalog.jsp and changed it, but
> nothing changed in the browser view. I tried to change the error page
> WEB-INF/jsp/errorpages/404.jsp and that worked.
> As I examined the catalog.jsp, I noticed that there are some differences
> to the output, so that might not be the correct file to change. Is there
> a way to change the catalog view?
> Thank you very much,
> Regards,
> Remon