On Nov 26, 2010, at 5:51 PM, Roy Mendelssohn wrote:
Hi Guys:
I have been testing the Viewer options, where you add to the dataset
lines such as:
<property name="viewer" value="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/caron/,MyViewer
I am trying to make it so the link not only goes to the particular
viewer but comes up with that dataset. Our Coastwatch browser wants
a lot of info, so if I do
<property name="viewer" value="http://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/coastwatch/CWBrowser.jsp,Coastwatch
all is fine but while I get the browser I am not at the selected
dataset. If I however try what I would like to try:
<property name="viewer" value="http://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/coastwatch/CWBrowser.jsp?edit=Grid+Data&gridDataSet=SST%2C+Blended%2C+0.1+degrees%2C+Global%2C+EXPERIMENTAL*&gridTimePeriod=1+day&gridCenteredTime=2010-11-25+12%3A00%3A00&gridCenteredTime_Year=2010&gridCenteredTime_Month=11&gridCenteredTime_Day=25&gridCenteredTime_Time=12%3A00%3A00&gridUnits=degree+C&gridPalette=Rainbow&gridPaletteScale=Linear&gridPaletteMin=8.0&gridPaletteMax=32.0&gridTimeSeriesLon=&gridTimeSeriesLat=&synchronizeTimes=true,Coastwatch
it fails in the sense that an error is thrown trying to access the
dataset html page. So the question is, is there a maximum length to
the URLs allowed, or am I doing something stupid and if I could only
see it all would be well (such as you don't want space and the like
encoded and I should unencode them). You can test this yourself, as
it doesn't really matter what the actual dataset is.
As I understand it, there's nothing in the RFCs that limits the length
of a URL. That means in both ways - there's no maximum size set by a
standard and there's no minimum size applications have to support.
There is a stipulation in the URI RFC that the hostname part not
exceed 255 characters (that's a DNS limitation, I think).
I'm pretty sure tomcat can support, out of the box, urls that are
about 8k.
BTW, this is with the latest TDS 4.2 running on Ubuntu.
"The contents of this message do not reflect any position of the
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Roy Mendelssohn
Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
Environmental Research Division
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
1352 Lighthouse Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950-2097
e-mail: Roy.Mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx (Note new e-mail address)
voice: (831)-648-9029
fax: (831)-648-8440
www: http://www.pfeg.noaa.gov/
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