Re: [thredds] THREDDS TDS custom DatasetSource

Hi John, Roland,

Thanks for your prompt feedback.

I'm trying to learn more about threadds (4.2) and its extensibility.
One exercise is to implement the DatasetSource interface and
have my isMIne() return true for something like "/wps/", and
getNetcdfFIle() return null after streaming out an "image/tif"
mime-type, etc.

There are a number of other things I want/need to explore, but the
above will help me better understand your system. I just am not sure
if/how I need to register the above (somehow) in the configuration catalog?

I shall take a look at the email-list(s).

Thanks again for your prompt feedback and any pointers you can provide.


On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 7:45 AM, John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>  Hi david
> On 12/7/2010 10:09 AM, david hon wrote:
> Hi John,
> Greetings and I hope you are still there working on the TDS.
> I have read your Dataset Source Plugin page and am hoping
> to find some explicit examples. Can you or anyone else provide
> (relatively complete) examples of Java code and threddsConfig.xml,
> The more explicit examples, the better -- a simple "hello world",
> and perhaps something more elaborate?
> Im cc'ing roland, in case he can provide an example. Posting to the thredds
> email list is a good way to see if anyone else in the community has sample
> code.
> Also, the final paragraphs indicate a catalog config. with
> serviceType="OpenDAP",
> but (I assume) is it possible for one to provide custom DatasetSources for
> other
> serviceTypes, like WCS and WMS?
> yes, that should work.
> Finally, what would it take (is there a mechanism) to add new custom
> serviceTypes (like OGC WPS)?
> theres not a plugin for this. youll have to get the source and add your own
> servlet. Can you describe what you are trying to do?
> Cheers,
> --david
> davidb.hon@xxxxxxxxx (cell: 352-275-7438)
> David.Hon-NR@xxxxxxxxxxxx and david.b.hon@xxxxxxxx (soon)
> raytheon-riverdale cube: 301-851-8253; dev. (edf) lab: 301-851-8125

davidb.hon@xxxxxxxxx (cell: 352-275-7438)
David.Hon-NR@xxxxxxxxxxxx and david.b.hon@xxxxxxxx (soon)
raytheon-riverdale cube: 301-851-8253; dev. (edf) lab: 301-851-8125
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