Hi All,
I recently upgraded to TDS 4.2. A few of my datasets use a joinExisting NcML
aggregation, such as:
<aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting" timeUnitsChange="true">
<scan location="/export/lawelawe1/model/tide/netcdf_data/mhi/elev/"
I've noticed that these take several minutes to load the first time I try
accessing them in TDS (such as clicking on the OPeNDAP service) each time I
have restarted Tomcat. Does this mean that the aggregation cache is being wiped
when I restart Tomcat? I have set my aggregation caching in threddsConfig.xml
as so:
<scour>24 hours</scour>
<maxAge>30 days</maxAge>
This led me to believe that the cache would persist for 30 days, regardless of
restarting Tomcat. Is that an incorrect assumption or am I doing something
John Maurer
Hawaii Ocean Observing System (HiOOS)
University of Hawaii at Manoa