[thredds] WMS GetFeatureInfo error: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Hi All,
When attempting to click on the maps produced in Godiva2 for my grids in TDS to 
get the map value at that point, Godiva2 pops up an Internal Server Error alert 
and fails to load the cursor value.  I am getting the following corresponding 
error message in threddsServlet.log:

2010-12-29T12:18:46.021 -1000 [    124442][      81] INFO  - 
thredds.server.wms.ThreddsWmsController - Remote host: - 
Request: "GET 
2010-12-29T12:18:46.027 -1000 [    124448][      81] ERROR - 
thredds.server.wms.ThreddsWmsController - dispatchWmsRequest(): Exception: 
2010-12-29T12:18:46.036 -1000 [    124457][      81] INFO  - 
thredds.server.wms.ThreddsWmsController - Request Completed - 500 - -1 - 15

The URL is a WMS GetFeatureInfo request to the following URL:


This happens for all of my datasets now and all variables. It was working 
before, perhaps when I was at TDS 4.2 but not yet at TDS 4.2.2 like I am now, 
but that's purely speculation. Here's the URL to my TDS catalog page of the 
dataset in the above example:


And the URL to it's start page in Godiva2:


Any ideas what's amiss? Thanks!
John Maurer
Hawaii Ocean Observing System (HiOOS)
University of Hawaii

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