Re: [thredds] aggregation caching: cache cleared when Tomcat restarted?

On 1/3/2011 1:03 PM, John Maurer, IV wrote:
Hi John,

> Once you've accessed the dataset (no matter how slow), if you
> immediately access it again, is it now fast?

It is fast if I immediately access it again. It is usually fast every time I try up until ~1-3 days later.

> Did the server get restarted or thredds.war updated?

Nope, not during these latest tests. But that was one of my initial questions: should I expect it to be slow again the first time it is accessed after a reboot?, or updating thredds.war?

TDS has to rebuild its internal structures upon restart, though im surprised its particularly slow since the agg coordinate values are cached.

> What is the lastModified date on the AggregationCache xml file
> for that
> dataset?

It is lastModified after the slowness recurs. Since I just did another test this morning, and all were slow again, the AggregationCache XML files for my joinExisting datasets now have lastModified times in the ballpark of Jan 3 09:50. However, their content is no different than before (the datasets have not been updated).

you previously indicated ncml like:

<aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting" timeUnitsChange="true">
<scan location="/export/lawelawe1/model/tide/netcdf_data/mhi/elev/" suffix=".nc"/>

since theres no "recheckEvery" attribute, once scanned, it should not update except on reboot. Its likely the bug is in that logic. Ill try to recreate it, or add some diagnostics for you to run.

can you first double check that the server is not being restarted? look in threddsServlet.logs, the "reqSeq" field will start over on restart.


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