Re: [thredds] EPSG:3857 in TDS 4.2.5

Hi Jay,

I'm seeing this as well. Running it in the debugger, it looks like the
call to GeotoolKit isn't recognizing the CRS code.

I'll work with Jon Blower on the ncWMS side of things to figure this one



On 3/23/2011 7:12 PM, Jay Alder wrote:
> Hello all, I am trying to use EPSG:3857 in TDS 4.2.5 - 20110302.2315,
> but it is giving the following error:
> "The CRS EPSG:3857 is not supported by this server."
> When I run the WMS GetCapabilities call, it shows:
> <CRS>EPSG:4326</CRS>
> <CRS>CRS:84</CRS>
> <CRS>EPSG:41001</CRS>
> <CRS>EPSG:3857</CRS>
> <CRS>EPSG:27700</CRS>
> <CRS>EPSG:3408</CRS>
> <CRS>EPSG:3409</CRS>
> <CRS>EPSG:32661</CRS>
> <CRS>EPSG:32761</CRS>
> Why is there a disconnect between the GetCapabilities and GetMap
> calls on if 3857 is or is not supported?
> Jay Alder

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