Re: [thredds] EPSG 3857 (google maps / 900913) in TDS 4.2.5

Hi Jay, a blank image probably means its working then..

problem is the coordinates you need to using in your bbox parameter are completely different as the units are meters.. so you need to change both the CRS and BBOX bits.

normally if you are using this CRS its coz you are using google maps or openlayers.. so adding a layer to whatever it is your doing should result in one of them making the right request for you, and you can scope it in your web server logs.


Le 31/03/2011 6:40 PM, Jay Alder a écrit :
Ivan, I updated the file with the WTK you provided (I put it on the last line). I no longer get the "The CRS EPSG:3857 is not supported by this server." error, but I am getting a blank transparent image instead. I was using EPSG:4326 and simply switched it for EPSG:3857. Did you update the geotk-bundle-referencing-3.04.jar or just the file?


On Mar 31, 2011, at 8:53 AM, Ivan PRICE wrote:


look for the file epsg-wkt.jar in your web-inf/lib directory. you need to change a file in that jar, an easy way is to rename the jar file to <name>.zip and open it in winzip or similar. (you'll need to stop tomcat first)

look through the folders in the zip until you find the file file.. and copy paste the line below to the top of that file... update the original zipfile to contain your updated epsg file then rename the zipfile back to .jar

restart tomcat and make a getmap request using the new epsg. note the getcapabilities doc will not reflect the change, its just for getmaps.


Le 31/03/2011 5:43 PM, Jay Alder a écrit :
I'd like to try it, could you be more specific what I need to do? Do I need the updated geotoolkit-bundle-referencing.jar (3.12) or what is bundled with TDS? I searched the thredds web app and didn't find an file. What is the path of this file and do you have a sample?

On Mar 31, 2011, at 8:04 AM, Jon Blower wrote:

Hi Ivan, all,

Apparently the WKT that should be added to the file in THREDDS to suppor the EPSG:3857 projection is as follows. If someone can confirm that this works, this would be very helpful!

PROJCS["WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator",
   DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",
SPHEROID["WGS 84", 6378137.0, 298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
   PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
   UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295],
   AXIS["Geodetic latitude", NORTH],
   AXIS["Geodetic longitude", EAST],
PROJECTION["Popular Visualisation Pseudo Mercator", AUTHORITY["EPSG","1024"]],
 PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin", 0.0],
 PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0.0],
 PARAMETER["False easting", 0.0],
 PARAMETER["False northing", 0.0],
 UNIT["metre", 1.0],
 AXIS["Easting", EAST],
 AXIS["Northing", NORTH],

(Thanks to Martin Desruisseaux of the Geotoolkit team for this.)


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Jay Alder
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