Hi Roland,
On 4/15/2011 10:14 AM, Roland Schweitzer wrote:
> On 04/15/2011 11:10 AM, Ethan Davis wrote:
>> Hi Roland, all,
>> The CdmUtils.getOptimumDataReadingStrategy() method uses the
>> NetcdfDataset.getFileTypeId() method to decide on the data reading
>> strategy. However, it doesn't check if the resulting String is null or
>> not before checking the value.
>> Unless Jon knows of other hurdles after this one, I will make a TDS
>> snapshot available for testing on Monday. Jon, any thoughts?
> Is there some bit of configuration I could add to the datasetScan for
> this directory in the catalog that would make the FileTypeId not be null?
I'm not seeing any way to do that. It looks like the value here either
comes from a particular IOSP implementation or from the Aggregation
class. Though it looks like the only way to get a null value here is if
the underlying IOSP returned a null.
The F-TDS implements a DatasetSource to create virtual datasets, right?
Is there an IOSP underlying the resulting NetcdfDataset?
> Roland
>> Ethan
>> On 4/15/2011 9:30 AM, Roland Schweitzer wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'd like to take up this conversation again and really this is a
>>> question for Jon Blower and the ncWMS folks.
>>> Benno reported privately that the previous example had a few problems
>>> with just the raw data, so I've put up what I hope is a very simple
>>> example we can use to work through the issues.
>>> The data URL is:
>>> http://cirrus.handwx.com:8080/thredds/dodsC/examples/average.jnl
>>> which consists of a monthly climatology and one transformed variable
>>> (sst_average) a dynamically generated average of all 12 months of the
>>> sst variable.
>>> We can plot the sst_average with our standard tools (Ferret, toolsUI,
>>> etc), but the WMS request for GetCapabilities fails (just following the
>>> link in the browser) with the following error.
>>> Jon, any suggestions for how to track down this error?
>>> Roland
>>> 2011-04-15T15:15:20.028 +0000 [ 14083][ 19] INFO -
>>> thredds.server.wms.ThreddsWmsController - Remote host: -
>>> Request: "GET /thredds/wms
>>> /examples/average.jnl?service=WMS&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities
>>> HTTP/1.1"
>>> 2011-04-15T15:15:20.939 +0000 [ 14994][ 19] ERROR -
>>> thredds.server.wms.ThreddsWmsController - dispatchWmsRequest():
>>> Exception:
>>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>>> at
>>> uk.ac.rdg.resc.ncwms.cdm.CdmUtils.getOptimumDataReadingStrategy(CdmUtils.java:221)
>>> at thredds.server.wms.ThreddsDataset.<init>(ThreddsDataset.java:102)
>>> at
>>> thredds.server.wms.ThreddsWmsController.dispatchWmsRequest(ThreddsWmsController.java:164)
>>> at
>>> uk.ac.rdg.resc.ncwms.controller.AbstractWmsController.handleRequestInternal(AbstractWmsController.java:195)
>>> ...