Re: [thredds] NetCDF Subset Service for curvilinear grid as point data: unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

  • To: thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [thredds] NetCDF Subset Service for curvilinear grid as point data: unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • From: Ethan Davis <edavis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 14:25:29 -0600
Hi Marcos, all,

Thanks for all the information on this. I am able to reproduce the
problem now. I will dig into the problem and let you know when we have a



On 4/15/2011 4:44 PM, Marcos Hermida wrote:
> Hi all,
> here are some tests we did regarding the NetCDF Subset Service for
> curvilinear grid as point data issue and could be helpful:
> If you sent this opendap request:
> you qet these lon/lat values: -157.495325318087, 21.292617472685
> if you use them in a NCSS request like that:
> the lon/lat you get is: -157.622435719315, 21.1940855899557
> so now, if we swap the lon_rho and lat_rho indices and send this request:
> we get...-157.622435719315, 21.1940855899557 (as in the NCSS request!!) 
> And the last one, eta_rho is a 170 length array and xi_rho is an 70
> length array, so let's choose a point with an index bigger than 69 for
> the eta_rho and send a request:
> we get: -157.708182949237, 21.3033444376878 and once again if we put
> that on the NCSS request:
> what I get here is a 500 - Internal server error, and I guess there will
> be an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the threddsServlet.log
> So I think it only returns data for requests where the lat/lon matches
> points where, in this case, we have both indices for eta_rho, and xi_rho
> lower than 70, and it fails any other case.
> Cheers!

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