We want to create an aggregation with files inside the location directory,
but excluding some files. We have tried to define the scan location with
regular expression, but I think is not supported.
Then we fix it with the suffix attribute as you can see in the code bellow.
<aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting" recheckEvery="15m">
suffix="[0-9][0-9].nc" subdirs="true"/>
But we think isn't a good solution. So, we suggest define a filter to
exclude directories and files, like inside the <datasetScan> element, inside
the <aggregation> element. Or define the scan location with regular
Kristian Sebastian Blalid
SOS Division: Data Center Technical
Tel: 971439860 - Fax: 971439979
E-mail: kristian.sebastian@xxxxxxxx <sonia.gomara@xxxxxxxx> /
kristian.sebastian@xxxxxx <sonia.gomara@xxxxxx>