Re: [thredds] restricted access to fileServer-downloads?

Hi John,

you are right, it was probably a cache problem.
Although I cleared the cache everytime I changed the web.xml, it did not work. But this morning, it worked at once.

Thank you!

On 07/20/2011 06:06 PM, John Caron wrote:
On 7/20/2011 6:30 AM, Remon Sadikni wrote:
Dear THREDDS team,

I managed to set up restricted access to OPeNDAP-URLs and specific
folders like it is shown on:

That is very nice, but I did not manage to get the fileServer-Download
restiction working. I added the following code to tomcat's web.xml:

<web-resource-name>restrict by URL</web-resource-name>

The first Link (OPeNDAP) is restricted via username / pass form, but
the HTTPServer-Download not. What is wrong with my code?

Thank you very much,

Hi Remon:

im guessing that after your browser is automatically validating you
after the first time. try clearing your browser cache, or try a
different browser, or use a tool like "Live Http Headers" (firefox) to
see whats really going on.


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 Dipl. Inf. Remon Sadikni
 Scientific Programmer

 University of Hamburg / KlimaCampus Hamburg
 Center for Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction - CliSAP
 Grindelberg 5 / D-20144 Hamburg / Germany

 phone: +49-40-42838-7581
 email: remon.sadikni@xxxxxxx

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