[thredds] Many requests from my host machine slowing TDS& tomcat6

  • To: thredds community <thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [thredds] Many requests from my host machine slowing TDS& tomcat6
  • From: tom cook <tmcook@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 22:30:58 -0000
I just recently started seeing a large amount of requests from my
server address for various TDS services. For example, I'm seeing ALOT
of these type of messages:

2011-09-22T20:02:08.679 +0000 [  17778388][     697] INFO  -
thredds.server.opendap.OpendapServlet - doGet(): Remote host: - Request: "GET
/thredds/dodsC/HFRNet/USEGC/1km/hourly/GNOME.das HTTP/1.1"
2011-09-22T20:02:14.703 +0000 [  17784412][     698] INFO  -
thredds.server.opendap.OpendapServlet - doGet(): Remote host: - Request: "GET
/thredds/dodsC/HFRNet/USWC/1km/hourly/GNOME.das HTTP/1.1"


java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded is my host machine, and the requests are also showing
up in the access log as initiated from There are a
ton of these, and I'm concerned why this started and what its doing?
I can send logs if needed, but they are pretty large, so I'd rather
see if there is something you can explain to me that may help
understand where my problem lies. All these requests/overhead limit
are making my server unusable.


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