[thredds] Compression by Gathering working with Thredds?

Dear Thredds experts,

in order to save us some disk space and maybe increase the performance of a Thredds/ncWMS server we are planning to apply "Compression by Gathering" (CF Conventions 1.6, section 8.2) to our landuse and land-bound climate datasets. Before adapting our data massaging routines I would like to make sure that the results will be compatible with the Thredds server.

Can you please comfirm that Thredds supports netCDF files that utilize "Compression by Gathering"?

Thank you,

Matthias Müller
Dipl.-Geogr. | Research Associate

Technische Universität Dresden
Geoinformation Systems
01062 Dresden

Phone: +49 351 463-31953
Fax: +49 351 463-35879
Mail: Matthias_Mueller@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

www: http://tu-dresden.de/fgh/geo/gis

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