Re: [thredds] featureCollection - Variable name change

Hi Glenn:

Generally I need a sample file (2 for an aggregation) and the NcML so I can reproduce the problem.


On 12/15/2011 10:33 AM, Comiskey, Glenn wrote:
I seem to have a problem when using the <featureCollection></featureCollection> option and NcML to rename a variable, i.e. <variable name"ice_cover_proportion" orgName="Ice_cover_proportion"></variable>. Without any alteration of the variable the shape of the Ice_cover_Proportion variable is as expected:
Dataset {
     Float32 Ice_cover_Proportion[time =*45292*][lat = 576][lon = 1152];
     Float64 gaussw[lat = 576];
     String latLonCoordSys;
     String crs;
     Float64 time_offset[time = 45292];
     Float64 latitude[lat = 576];
     Float64 longitude[lon = 1152];
     Float64 time[time =*45292*];
     Float64 time_run[time = 45292];
} icecon/Global_ice_cover_proportion_best.ncd;
However, if I declare NcML to change the name, whether this is inside/outside of 
a<protoDataset></protoDataset>  declaration the shape is wrong:
Dataset {
     Float32 ice_cover_proportion[time =*124*][lat = 576][lon = 1152];
     Float64 gaussw[lat = 576];
     String latLonCoordSys;
     String crs;
     Float64 time_offset[time = 45292];
     Float64 latitude[lat = 576];
     Float64 longitude[lon = 1152];
     Float64 time[time =*45292*];
     Float64 time_run[time = 45292];
} icecon/Global_ice_cover_proportion_best.ncd;
I'm not a 100% sure, but believe the 124 count represents the number of data files in the dataset.
Is this a known issue in TDS 4.2.7? Is there a work around?
Kind regards,

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