Attempting to rename a data variable as it has been improperly named,
but find that the NcML rename option truncates the coordinate variable
(dimension) size:
<variable name="Land_cover_1land_2sea">
Float32 Land_cover_1land_2sea[time = 31410][lat = 361][lon = 720];
<variable name="Land_cover_1land_0sea" orgName="Land_cover_1land_2sea">
Float32 Land_cover_1land_0sea[time = 1][lat = 361][lon = 720];
Get the same behaviour if use NcML to edit the prototypical data file,
<variable name="Land_cover_1land_2sea"> = [time = 31410] while
<variable name="Land_cover_1land_0sea" orgName="Land_cover_1land_2sea">
= [time = 1]
This, though, I suspect is due to no other variables being named
"Land_cover_1land_0sea" being found while <featureCollection> is
building the dataset details.
Have successfully renamed coordinate variables via NcML, i.e.:
<variable name="latitude" orgName="lat"> = Float64 latitude[lat = 361];
<variable name="longitude" orgName="lon"> = Float64 longitude[lon =
Anyone had this problem before?
Kind regards,
Glenn Comiskey
Data System Administrator