[thredds] featureCollection - NcML

Take it NcML does not work on <featureCollection> derived coordinate
variables (dimensions) such as "time":
  <variable name="pressure">
    <attribute name="axis" value="Z"/>
  <variable name="time">
    <attribute name="axis" value="T"/>
    pressure {
        String units "Pa";
        String long_name "Isobaric surface";
        String positive "down";
        String GRIB_level_type "100";
        String _CoordinateAxisType "Pressure";
        String axis "Z";
        String _CoordinateZisPositive "down";
    time {
        String long_name "Forecast time for ForecastModelRunCollection";
        String standard_name "time";
        String units "hours since 1990-01-01T00:00:00Z";
        Float64 missing_value NaN;
        String _CoordinateAxisType "Time";

Kind regards,
Glenn Comiskey
Data System Administrator
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