Re: [thredds] aggregation with different time references


the timeUnitsChange only affects to the aggregation coordinate variable, that means, only the variable with same name that the aggregating dimension will be affected.

how to solve you problem? hmmmmm

 * Modify the java source code for the Aggregation which modify all the
   variables with the a _CoordinateAxisType="Time". At least that the
   timeUnitsChange look at the _CoordinateAliasForDimension in case
   your "coordinate" variable has a different name from aggregation dim:
 * An interim solution could be, create a new variable for the
   time_bnds, ans use the value element to indicate the start value and
   increment.... this needs a better thinking

probably I'm wrong and now I'm missing something.



Antonio S. Cofiño
Grupo de Meteorología de Santander
Dep. de Matemática Aplicada y
        Ciencias de la Computación
Universidad de Cantabria
Escuela de Caminos
Avenida de los Castros, 44
39005 Santander, Spain
Tel: (+34) 942 20 1731
Fax: (+34) 942 20 1703

El 16/02/2012 12:25, Patrick Brockmann escribió:
Cofiño Gonzalez a écrit :

from the aggregation documentation :

when the units of the aggregation coordinate change on the existing coordinate variables, you must add timeUnitsChange="true" on the aggregation element:

Ok I have rebuilt an aggregation using this element.
Now the time axis is correct but I note that the time_bnds is not treated and has kept the different
time references

As consequence, I get with ferret
yes? use ""; *** NOTE: Error in bounds "time_bnds" or bounds do not enclose point on axis time
*** NOTE: Substituting coordinate midpoints

Have I missed something again ?

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