Re: [thredds] Documentation tags for the catalog?

On 3/7/2012 9:43 AM, Nathan Potter wrote:


I have a user that wants to add<documentation>  tags to the top level of a 
THREDDS catalog. Based on my reading of the THREDDS specification:

I believe that the catalog may not contain a documentation element at the top 
level. The dataset element may contain a documentation element, but there can 
be multiple datasets at the top level of a catalog so there is no obvious (at 
least to me) way to universally identify which dataset metadata would be used 
to describe the catalog collection.

Is that correct?

Any thoughts?


= = =
Nathan Potter                        ndp at
OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317

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hi nathan:

I think thats right. You need to add a top level dataset container element if you want to have top level documentation element.


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