Re: [thredds] NetCDF-ToolsUI, IDV

On Mar 24, 2012, at 11:34 AM, John Caron wrote:

> Hi Nathan:
> Sorry for the delay in responding.
> Both ideas below sound interesting. Im not clear exactly how you are using 
> the jnlp. Are you doing the same thing the TDS does to allow viewers to start 
> up with a particular opendap dataset URL?

Well, probably I'm doing the same thing the TDS did a some point in the past. :)

Currently I deploy Hyrax with prototype JNLP files for each application (Well 
not AutoPlot, as I described below). Dereferencing a web start link associated 
a dataset causes Hyrax to grab the prototype JNLP, edit the command line 
arguments for the webstart application, and then return the file to the 
requesting client. 

> Can you send me an example Hyrax URL that fetches the jnlp?

Here's the viewers page for a dataset served on Hyrax:

The IDV link returns a useful JNLP because the the JNLP basically points to the 
latest version and the resources are described in a file held on the IDV 
server. So when the update the version and change the jar dependancies the 
"world" doesn't have to get a new JNLP file. 

The ToolsUI link returns a stale JNLP because the version referenced by the 
prototype JNLP file bundled in Hyrax references an older version of the NetCDF 
ToolsUI, which depends on a file that is no longer hosted at the UNIDATA site: 
    Unable to load resource:

Does that help?

Also I edited my spastic description of AutoPlot…


> John
> On 3/15/2012 1:04 PM, Nathan Potter wrote:
>> Greetings
>> I have some questions regarding the way that IDV and ToolsUI are deployed 
>> via webstart. I have been caching the prototype .jnlp files in my 
>> distribution and modifying the arguments as needed on a per request basis. 
>> This implementation lacks flexibility when the application host site 
>> upgrades to a newer version (and removes the older one). I see that on 
>> motherlode the IDV jnlp bundle now references a "current" version of the 
>> codebase (  and 
>> that the resources (jar files) are loaded based on content held at the 
>> application site:
>> This seem like a much more flexible plan. Is it something that will also be 
>> done for NetCDF-ToolsUI?
>> Alternatively, someone pointed me at the way that AutoPlot handles it's jnlp 
>> generation. They host the application files and a cgi that you pass the 
>> arguments to as part of the query string, it hands back a JNLP with the 
>> arguments filled out and pointing to their most recent version  of the 
>> AutoPlot application.
>> Any thoughts about this?

Alternatively, someone pointed me at the way that AutoPlot handles it's jnlp 
generation. They host the application jar files and also a cgi to which you 
pass the command line arguments as part of the query string. The cgi responds 
with a JNLP file in which the command line arguments are filled out, and all of 
the resources are pointing to their most recent version  of the AutoPlot 

>> Thanks,
>> Nathan
>> = = =
>> Nathan Potter                        ndp at
>> OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317
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= = =
Nathan Potter                        ndp at
OPeNDAP, Inc.                        +1.541.231.3317

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