Re: [thredds] THREDDS Data Server and opensearch

Dear Thomas,

By using GI-cat, you may extend any THREDDS data server by publishing one or more of the following discovery interfaces:

(a) CSW core (i.e. Dublin Core)
(b) CSW/ISO/ebRIM profile;
(c) OpenSearch with GEO and Semantic extensions

GI-cat makes use of the ncISO service developed by NOAA.

Hope that could help.

Best regards,

Dear all,

In myOcean poject, we are looking for a "light discovery interface" on our data servers (THREDDS Data Server being the main software used for data dissemination).

I am wondering if providing opensearch interface on THREDDS catalogs is something which may be considered in future releases of THREDDS Data Server.

I have seen different documentations about software which provide opensearch interface with THREDDS catalogue inputs :


A slide show about THREDDS+opensearch :

An opensearch interface directly provided by THREDDS Data Server would prevent data providers from installing and maintaining additional software.

Besides THREDDS provides metadata/search protocols which we could use : But the iso19115 is not the kind of metadata service we are searching for. An OGC/CSW with Dubin-core metadata may also be an interesting alternative to opensearch.
Have you any update plans for this ncISO services ?

We might also use the THREDDS XML but an overall search interface on which criteria could be applied could be interesting.

Thanks very much,


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