Re: [thredds] cannot figure out why WCS won't work with this FMRC

P.S. To make sure, I checked that my files are CF compliant at and all looks good. After
trying several more things, I still cannot see what is wrong. Seems strange
that all other services besides WCS would work (including WMS, NCSS,
OPeNDAP, ISO, NcML). Perhaps a bug in the FMRC-to-WCS side of things?
Though I don't see what's tripping it up since I have other FMRC's whose
WCS works fine. Note that some variables are 3-D (surface elevation) while
others are 4-D (temperature, salinity, u/v velocities). Anyways, hoping
somebody can eventually give this a look. I realize Unidata's swamped with
4.3 right now, so maybe after that sometime...
John Maurer

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 12:04 AM, John Maurer <jmaurer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm stumped: any ideas why the following regular gridded FMRC dataset
> produces an empty WCS capabilities document (no variables/coverages get
> listed; ContentMetadata section is entirely missing)?:
> In particular, I'm looking at the Best Time Series at:
> Whose WCS URL is this:
> The other services all work fine, including OPeNDAP, NCSS, WMS, ISO, and
> NcML.
> Although the original ROMS ocean forecast model was on a curvilinear grid
> (which WCS cannot handle), we've regridded onto a regular grid. One
> positive outcome of this was that I should be able to turn on WCS for it
> now (so that people can download GeoTIFFs); however, I'm not having any
> luck yet. The logs are not showing anything useful. threddsServlet.log just
> shows this:
> 2012-04-04T23:19:53.210 -1000 [    847655][     643] INFO  -
> thredds.server.wcs.WCSServlet - Remote host: - Request:
> "GET
> /thredds/wcs/hioos/roms_forec_regridded/hiig/ROMS_Hawaii_Regional_Ocean_Model_Regridded_best.ncd?service=WCS&version=1.0.0&request=GetCapabilities
> HTTP/1.1"
> 2012-04-04T23:19:53.214 -1000 [    847659][     643] INFO  -
> thredds.server.wcs.v1_0_0_1.WcsHandler - Request Completed - 200 - -1 - 4
> I have other regular gridded FMRC's whose WCS works fine; one example
> (NCOM):
> In case it helps, I've placed my catalog file and one of the data files
> (174 MB) on anonymous FTP:
> ftp
> cd jmaurer
> get ocn_mod_hiig.xml
> get
> Thanks for your help on this!,
> John Maurer
> Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)
> University of Hawaii at Manoa
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