Re: [thredds] ncWMS and vector plots, point time-series as JSON

Hi Jeremy,

This is probably far too late but here goes:

1) Re vector types.  I believe that Kyle Wilcox is working on integrating the 
latest ncWMS with THREDDS, and hopefully including his work on different kinds 
of vector plots, including barbs. 

2) ncWMS/THREDDS can't return a timeseries as JSON at the moment, but can do so 
in a simple ad-hoc XML format.  Just set the INFO_FORMAT to text/xml instead of 
image/png.  (It probably wouldn't be too hard to add JSON support too.)

Hope this isn't too late to be helpful!



Message: 2
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 16:23:56 -0400
From: Jeremy Cothran <jeremy.cothran@xxxxxxxxx>
To: thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [thredds] ncWMS and vector plots, point time-series as JSON
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I'm working to provide browser/openlayers/javascript type GIS map images of 
wind or current vector fields as barbs or arrows(speed+direction) from provided 
model or in-situ U/V components and when clicking on a map point providing 
time-series for the data at that point.  Currently I'm having to go through 
some intermediate steps of converting data to shapefiles(which take up storage 
space) for mapserver based vector styling and/or generated image files at a 
fixed zoom level(less space used, but still some supporting setup and 

Saw this earlier thread about possible thredds support for these vector type 
plots(from u/v components), but haven't seen other mention or examples since 
and just checking to see if any updates.

When doing a getFeatureInfo with ncWMS it's possible to get a single time point 
- if ncWMS/thredds could support URL references for a time-series at a point 
returned as JSON, that would also be very handy substitute for existing work 
I'm doing writing my own custom wrapper scripts(pyDAP to JSON).

Jeremy Cothran
University of South Carolina

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