Re: [thredds] nco as a web service

> I am old and slow, but suppose I am in OpeNDAP, are you proposing
> to separate say constraint expressions and server-side function
> requests basically the same (ie I just scan what is after each
> comma) or do you propose some method that signifies in the URL
> that what follows is an expression?  In F-TDS and GDS the form of
> the URL is:

First, I am proposing to subsume DAP constraints.
Second, I am proposing, like DAP, to put the expressions
in the query part of the URL (i.e. after the '?').


So, I would rewrite this as something more-or-less like this:
Where the expressions would include the references to dataset2, dataset3,
and the constraint.

> BTW, the reason I have asked about the experience of people who
> are using F-TDS and GDS on whether synchronous requests can cover
> the large majority of cases, is because I am very partial to
> systems where the URL completely defines the request, and hence
> essentially use GET as the verb.
The synchronous/asynchronous issue is, for me, a separable issue.
I should note that GET has a limit on the size of URLS, so
there needs to be ways to deal with that. Two possibilities are
1) use POST or PUT, or 2) provide a way to upload a long expression
in parts USING multiple GETs.

> The reason for this is long
> experience.  where client code has broken with changes in
> operating system and/or application, fixes were slow in coming,
> so many users were left with nothing working.  In a system where
> the URL completely defined the request, say ERDDAP, in Matlab:
> > > link='[(2010-01-16T12:00:00Z):1:(2010-01-16T12:00:00Z)][(0.0):1:(0.0)][(30):1:(50.0)][(220):1:(240.0)]';
> > > F=urlwrite(link,'cwatch.mat');
> > >
> Will get the related file, and the entire command is in Matlab,
> no extra code required.  The same in R is:
> > > download.file(url="[(2010-01-16T12:00:00Z):1:(2010-01-16T12:00:00Z)][(0.0):1:(0.0)][(30):1:(50.0)][(220):1:(240.0)]", destfile="",mode='wb')
> > >
> again, "download.file" is an R command.
I think that we do not want to be R/MATLAB specific
in a proposal to put stuff in URLs. I would rather
propose to allow uploading of R/MATLAB scripts to serve
as additional, user-defined functions.

I would prefer to
> maintain this simplicity and cover 80% of the cases if possible,
> than cover the rest but where more complex, application specific
> code would have to be developed and maintained.

Agreed. However my assumption is the the output of any function that
is not assigned to a single-assignment variable will be returned as part
of the response; but other ways of specifying this are possible within
the functional framework I am proposing.

=Dennis Heimbigner

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