Re: [thredds] controlling WMS colorbar scale

actually, when you specify a colorbar scale for a variable you have also to set the datasetPath and that properties only apply to the dataset or datasets in the pathSpec attribute of the datasetPath tag.


On 08/29/2012 11:41 AM, tom cook wrote:
Thanks, I was trying to avoid setting a hard limit for the colorscale in the wmsConfig file, but it might come to that. Is there a way to specify a colorbar scale for a specific variable in a specific dataset, or is it only possible to set this for a specific variable?
Thanks for the help and I'll check on your WMS links.


On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:38 AM, Marcos Hermida <mhermida@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:mhermida@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hi Tom,

    ncWMS provides some styling capabilities through some non-standard
    WMS  parameters: colorscalerange, numcolorbands...
    You can find more information about those parameters here:
    Besides, in TDS, you can set the values for those parameters or
    displaying properties in the wmsConfig.xml configuration file.
    Here is the documentation about it:

    Hope it helps,

    On 08/29/2012 10:53 AM, tom cook wrote:
    I really don't have any idea about the functionality of WMS,
    other than using the Godiva2. We had a user complain that the
    portions of the gridded data they were receiving through TDS/WMS
    query were blacked out due to exceeding the colorbar scale. My
    question, is there a way to set the colorbar limits for WMS
    through TDS query?
    Sorry for my ignorance, thanks in advance.

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