Re: [thredds] Ncml aggregation, scan, prototype dataset

Hi Heiko:

On 1/8/2013 3:57 AM, Heiko Klein wrote:

I'm using a simple time-aggregated product in my thredds setup, like:

    <netcdf xmlns="";>
     <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting" recheckEvery="15min">
      <variableAgg name="temperature" />
      <variableAgg name="salinity" />
<scan location="/my/path/" suffix=".nc" />

Which file will be used as prototype dataset, i.e. which dataset defines
the attributes if they change? In a featurecollection, I am able to
define the prototype like: protoDataset choice="Penultimate" but I
couldn't find that here.

For aggregation in TDS, default is choose penultimate. Can change globally in threddsConfig.xml with



in CDM outside of TDS default is to choose a random dataset.

You can set globally with Aggregation.setTypicalDatasetMode().

And, since the variables all have a time-dimension: is the variableAgg
realy required, or does the aggregation automatically aggregate all
variables having a time-dimension?

joinExisting will aggregate all variables which have the aggregation dimension as the outer dimension, in this case time.

variableAgg is only used for joinNew


Best regards,


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