Re: [thredds] THREDDS prevents freeing disk space

Hi Nicolas,

We delete old data regularly on our server as well. We are not seeing this problem, though most of our heavily used datasets are handled with featureCollection rather than datasetScan configurations. I am at a meeting all week but will try to take a closer look at the datasets we do serve using datasetScan in the next day or so. (The rest of the THREDDS developers are out this week as well. Sorry for the delay.)

We have never tested the TDS with openjdk. You could try running your server using Oracle's JRE and see if that makes any difference.


On 1/9/2013 6:27 AM, Nicolas Baldeck wrote:

I'm keeping several days archive on my server.
Every time a new run is issued, I delete an older one.

When I do "rm" on the older files, it's no longer shows up with "ls".
However TDS is keeping the file busy, and disk space is not freed.

I can see this thanks to "lsof"

$ lsof

    java       3436    tomcat7   44r      REG                8,1
    403204480     393349
    <> (deleted)
    java       3436    tomcat7   45r      REG                8,1
    403204480     393313
    <> (deleted)
    java       3436    tomcat7   46r      REG                8,1
    403204480     393288
    <> (deleted)
    java       3436    tomcat7   47r      REG                8,1 40

To free disk space, I need to restart tomcat.

So, is there a way to notify THREDDS a dataset will be deleted, so it closes the files before deletion ?

I'm using TDS 4.3, with tomcat 7, openjdk, over ubuntu 12.04 x64.
Dataset configuration :

    <datasetScan name="RASP" ID="rasp" path="rasp"
        <metadata inherited="true">
          <include wildcard="*.nc"/>

can be seen there :


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