Re: [thredds] Thredds-Error when serving a nc-file in opendap


The netcdf file is wrongly defined and the OpenDAP service gets confused when a variable array has a dimensión with no size.

The Polar_Stereographic_Grid variable is in fact a dimensionless variable been used for defining a geo projection following the CF convention:

The Netcdf file appears to generated a dimensionless variable (scalar variable or 0-dim variable) using an unlimited dimension with no size.

One solution is to regenerate the file.

The other way is to re-publish the dataset using NCML to remove the dimension and redefining the variable. Please loak at the attache file and the the resulting dataset in:

(remember to modify the location to your local file)



Antonio S. Cofiño
Grupo de Meteorología de Santander
Dep. de Matemática Aplicada y
        Ciencias de la Computación
Universidad de Cantabria

El 15/01/2013 12:31, Heiko Klein escribió:

I have a problem serving a netcdf-file as opendap stream. The file is based at:

When requesting the default as ASCII, I get:

Error {
    code = 3;
message = "Invalid Parameter Exception: DArrayDimension.setProjection: Bad Projection Request: stop < 0";

When requesting the variable Polar_Stereographic_Grid, I get an error code:

Error {
    code = 5;
    message = "Illegal index for range last index";

ncWMS/thredds for this file works fine. I guess the culprit is the definition of Polar_Stereographic_Grid:

         polar = UNLIMITED ; // (0 currently)
         int Polar_Stereographic_Grid(polar) ;

i.e. a 0-size unlimited variable. In fact, the Polar_Stereographic_Grid is just a attribute-container for the grid-mapping, so dimensions shouldn't matter.

We're using thredds 4.2.9 with tomcat 6.0.X in production and I tested it with thredds 4.3.15 with tomcat 7.0.X. Both thredds versions have the same behaviour.

Best regards,


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<netcdf xmlns=""; 
  <remove name="polar" type="dimension"/>
  <variable name="Polar_Stereographic_Grid" shape="" type="int" 

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