Hi Pauline,
I've run into the same thing. In my case I was able to isolate the problem
to aggregations only (NcML or FMRC). Below is my e-mail to thredds-support
on Jan 8th with further details. I presume Unidata is still looking into
John Maurer
Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)
University of Hawaii at Manoa
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Maurer <jmaurer@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 11:09 AM
Subject: WMS GetCapabilities broken in TDS 4.3 for all aggregations
To: support-thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi THREDDS support,
In TDS 4.3, the WMS GetCapabilities URL produces a "HTTP Status 500 -
Internal Server Error" for all of my NcML or FMRC aggregation datasets. It
works fine for non-aggregated datasets, however. Although GetCapabilities
fails for aggregations, I noticed that other WMS requests continue to work
fine (GetMap, GetMetadata, GetFeatureInfo), because the Godiva2 viewer
continue to produce plots. Can you look at this problem? I have been
holding off upgrading to TDS 4.3 in our production server because of this
hang up.
Here is the version of TDS I am running in our testbed: Version 4.3.15 -
Here are links to three aggregated datasets whose WMS GetCapabilities fail:
- [FMRC] SWAN Apra Harbor Regional Wave Model:
- [FMRC] NCOM Global Ocean Model:
- [NcML] Big Island Regional Tide Model:
Here are links to three non-aggregated (non-temporal) datasets whose WMS
GetCapabilities work fine:
- ETOPO5 Global Surface Relief:
- Main Hawaiian Islands Multibeam Bathymetry Synthesis: 50-m
- Distance to Nearest Coastline: 0.04-Degree Grid: Ocean:
The log file (threddsServlet.log) has had nothing to report on the errors.
The only kind of message that it reports is this:
2013-01-08T10:35:54.216 -1000 [ 1582559][ 147] INFO - threddsServlet
- Remote host: - Request: "GET /thredds-test/wms/pacioos/
Thanks for your help!,
John Maurer
Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)
University of Hawaii at Manoa
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 5:32 PM, Pauline Mak <Pauline.Mak@xxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having trouble with getting a GetCapabilities document using THREDDS.
> I'm using THREDDS 4.3.15 - 20121218.1126, and have tried this on Java 1.6
> and 1.7, running on Tomcat 7.0.27.
> When I browse to the WMS GetCapabilities document, I get a 500 internal
> error, and have found the attached error in the serverStartup.log
> But interestingly, the layers work through the Godiva interface. Has
> anyone else had this problem? These files use to work under THREDDS 4.2.
> An example can be found here:
> http://thredds.aodn.org.au/thredds/catalog/IMOS/SRS/GHRSST-SSTsubskin/2012/catalog.html?dataset=IMOS/SRS/GHRSST-SSTsubskin/2012/20121231-ABOM-L3P_GHRSST-SSTsubskin-AVHRR_MOSAIC_01km-AO_DAAC-v01-fv01_0.nc
> Cheers,
> -Pauline.
> --
> Pauline Mak
> Programmer
> AODN Development Office
> University of Tasmania
> Private Bag 21
> Ph: (03) 6226 8586
> Fax: (03) 6226 8575
> pauline.mak@xxxxxxxxxxx
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