Re: [thredds] Downloading HYCOM using the NetCDF Subset Service

These kind of errors are something I see a lot. Mostly it comes down to the
way the server and the service is setup. I don't have any idea about where
you are downloading this from, so I'm sorry I can't help with an exact
solution. But I would try a single time step and see if that works.
Hopefully someone else here can help.

However, I think this service is something that needs to be addressed. I
think its the most popular TDS service for users wanting to extract longer
timeseries, which for dense datasets are almost always destined to timeout.
I think a lot of the time I spend supporting these types of errors on my
server could be reduced if there was some sanity check in the ncss that
would tell the user up front if there request was too big for the server.
 Things are further complicated when using a proxy server, but that is
probably not a ncss problem.

I haven't really quantified this, but it seems that using nco to slice and
dice the data files is a little bit faster. Does anyone have any experience
with that?

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:43 PM, Joseph, Elizabeth (Perth) <
Elizabeth.Joseph@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi THREDDS email group****
> ** **
> I have been attempting to access the HYCOM data using the NetCDF subset
> service, however the website keeps timing out when I try to save the data.
>  I have also limited the size of the HYCOM data in both time period
> (maximum of 2 days per download) and spatial extent in the hope that the
> website does not timeout. ****
> ** **
> Is there a current issue with trying to download HYCOM data from the
> NetCDF Subset Service? ****
> In addition, is there any possibility that the user can select which
> vertical layer they would like to download in the NetCDF Subset Service
> [e.g. I am only interested in the u and v velocity components for the
> surface layer].  ****
> ** **
> Thank you****
> ** **
> *Elizabeth Joseph*
> *Coastal Engineer, Ports & Marine Terminals Group, WorleyParsons*
> Tel: +61 (0)8 6263 7153 | Fax: +61 (0)8 9278 8110 | GMT + 8****
> Level 6 | QV1 building, 250 St Georges Terrace | Perth WA 6000 |
> WorleyParsons Services Pty Ltd | ABN 61 001 279 812****
> ** **
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